Blog: Education


Torpid dormouse in hand

Help Protect Dormice

Learn what you can do to help protect and restore dormice populations in your local area!

Common swift (Apus apus) screaming party silhouetted against the sky as they fly in formation over cottage roofs at dusk

Acting Swiftly?

Swifts and swallows are flying high this time of year. After the long Swift migration from Africa, they are resident in many parts of the UK during spring and summer, here's how you can help…

A pair of Great Crested Grebes

The love-lives of Gwent’s Bird Population

We don’t have any actual Love Birds in Gwent, they are native to Africa. We do however have many birds with very interesting love lives, from the faithful monogamous swan to the frankly…

Red Admiral butterfly

‘Summer’s splendour’

Summer is here and with it lovely long hours of daylight to work, rest and play accompanied by nature’s soundtrack.