Our people
Young People and Nature
People's Postcode Lottery helping nature recovery in Gwent
The players of the People's Postcode Lottery are helping Gwent Wildlife Trust's conservation and nature recovery efforts.
Young people making a difference
An update from our Youth-led Stand for Nature Wales project.
20 ways to help garden wildlife this winter
There’s more going on in gardens during winter than meets the eye. Many insects and mammals are safely hiding away or hibernating, whether they are active or not there’s lots of ways to optimize…
Peoples Postcode Lottery
Wildlife from Home
With many of us having to stay at home, it can be more difficult to maintain a connection with nature. So thanks to a great idea from our friends in BCN Wildlife Trust, we're launching #…
Trust wildlife
Following on from my previous blog, I had intended to recall some of my early Otter encounters and experiences but, the “lockdown” has given me time to pause and reflect on what wildlife is closer…