Renew your membership by Direct Debit
Thank you for your continued support for Gwent's wildlife!
Renew your membership and pay by card or cheque
You can also continue paying for your membership by card or cheque.
To renew your membership and pay by cheque, please complete the form below and send with your payment to the address on the form.
To renew your membership and pay by cheque
Renew your membership and pay by card
In order to ensure your membership donation covers the cost of servicing your membership and ensure you are making a contribution to the work of Gwent Wildlife Trust, we have had to set minimum membership fees. Please give as much as you are able so that we can have the greatest possible impact in our work to create a Gwent which is richer in wildlife.
March 2020 minimum membership donations:
Single membership: £30 per year
Joint membership: £36 per year
Family membership: £42 per year

Credits top to bottom: Lowri Watkins, Tony Atkin, Rob Waller, Andy Karran, Gemma Bode, Lowri Watkins, Lowri Watkins, Neil Aldridge