David Tipling/2020VISION
Peoples Postcode Lottery
People’s Postcode Lottery is a charity lottery raising funds for, and increasing awareness of, charities and good causes across Great Britain.
The Wildlife Trusts are very lucky to receive generous support from players of People's Postcode Lottery. People's Postcode Lottery is a charity lottery in Great Britain where players play with their postcodes whilst raising money for charities.
Wildlife Trusts in Wales have received valuable funding from players of People’s Postcode Lottery which is distributed between the five local Wildlife Trusts in Wales. This enables them to continue delivering education opportunities and events for local communities and schools, as well as maintaining reserves and wildlife sites around the region, continuing our vital conservation work.
Thanks to the support of players of People’s Postcode Lottery, The Wildlife Trusts will inspire and connect people to nature through precious species and wild places, provide thousands of children of all ages with opportunities to spend time in nature through outdoor learning activities and will stand up for and defend wild places when they face significant threat.
This year thanks to the players of Peoples Postcode Lottery Gwent Wildlife Trust have been able to support, train and kit out hundreds of nature recovery volunteers taking action for wildlife in their local area.
Helping people and wildlife
Thanks to players of People’s Postcode Lottery Gwent Wildlife Trust are supporting and training volunteers to take action for nature in Gwent while enjoying the great outdoors.
Amongst those is volunteer Warden Julian Holroyd who has been volunteering with Gwent Wildlife Trust for around two years:
I have always enjoyed being in the great outdoors. Fresh air and exercise are great for maintaining mental health and wellbeing. Wardens are the eyes and ears of the organisation, so we regularly walk round the reserves and can quickly report back any issues, such as damage to fences, stiles or fly-tipping. There are lots of other opportunities too. We regularly work as a team with the Trust's Nature Recovery Officers on a variety of tasks to both enhance the visitor experience and to increase biodiversity. Teamwork is an essential part of what we do, and it is great to work with like-minded people who have a diverse range of skills and abilities. GWT has also provided appropriate training, such as First Aid, Brush Cutting and All Terrain Vehicle training, as well as providing volunteers with PPE and cold weather kit, so takes its commitment to supporting volunteers very seriously. There are also regular opportunities to attend guided walks, which are great for learning about the multitude of species that we can encounter, and how to identify and record them.Gwent Wildlife Trust Volunteer Warden

Ben Boylett
And players of People's Postcode Lottery are supporting our volunteers who have been improving access and signage at our newest nature reserve Bridewell Common. Levellers Volunteer Sharon Lloyd made this fantastic reserve sign, the letters are routed and burnt into a slab of alder which was planked from wood grubbed out during our ditch restoration work on the same site!
How it works
To find out more about how players of People’s Postcode Lottery support The Wildlife Trusts, click here.