How Birds Live Together by Marianne Taylor - A book review by Neville Davies

Packed with 223 pages of information, this book covers a mix of interesting locations throughout the world including the British Isles, and delving into the bird species present, along with some local history for that area. Each site gave me new information I wasn't aware of which was nice. It was enjoyable learning about the more bizarre species, such as the Cliff Swallow, Burrowing Owls and the Laysan Albatross - a species I had not heard of before. The more I read, the more I found myself not just learning more, but wanting to learn more.
There is a very interesting write up on the extinct Passenger Pigeon, and what I really like is the diversity of the topics throughout the book, with some great insights into an edible nest made from saliva, inland cliffs, a bird that actually nests with its enemy and super colonies. There are some catchy headings too, such as Neighbourhood Scandals, a Port in a Storm and Together Forever to name a few. Overall, I found this a very interesting book, packed with information, well set out with lovely pictures, and I learned a lot more about how birds live together. A thoroughly recommended book.
Neville Davies. GWT member and supporter, author and walks leader @ecology_cymru