Blog: Volunteering


Volunteer Shepherd Pauline Gaywood

What volunteering means to me

To celebrate Volunteers' Week 2022 (June 1 - June 7), Gwent Wildlife Trust Volunteer Shepherd Pauline Gaywood explains what volunteering means to her, and why she recommends it to everyone.…

Volunteer shepherd Pauline with Gwent Wildlife Trust's herd of Hereford cattle 

Celebrating GWT's Volunteers during Volunteers' Week!

Volunteering takes place all around us, but we don’t always notice it or think about what goes into making it happen. As we celebrate Volunteers' Week 2021, we want to say a huge “THANK YOU”…

Gwent Levels reserves officer Ben Boylett

Reserve officer diaries

Thanks for stopping by to check out my blog. I have wanted to start up a reserve diaries type blog for a while now, where I can share with you my role and the duties I undertake managing the Trust…