Great fen-sedge

Great fen sedge

Great fen sedge by Tess Wright

Great fen-sedge

A tall and robust species of sedge, the Great fen-sedge has long leaves with sawtooth edges. It forms dense stands in lowland fens and around lakes.

Enw gwyddonol

Cladium mariscus

Pryd i'w gweld

January to December

Species information


Height: up to 2.5m


Also known as 'Saw-sedge', Great fen-sedge is a tall and stout plant, with long, sawtooth-edged leaves. It forms dense stands in lowland fens and around the margins of lakes. It is especially common in East Anglia where it was cut for thatching material because it was more flexible and durable than reed.

Sut i'w hadnabod

Great fen-sedge has long, narrow, blade-like leaves with serrated edges. A tall, clump-forming plant, it produces flower heads with clusters of brown spikelets (containing the flowers).


Widespread, but particularly common in Eastern England.

Roeddech chi yn gwybod?

Originally, Great fen-sedge was simply known as 'Sedge' - a name which came from the fens of East Anglia. However, botanists decided to use the word to describe a whole family of related plants (Cyperaceae) which are now commonly called sedges.