Wildlife Trusts of the Severn and Wye form regional partnership for nature
The nine Wildlife Trusts covering the full catchment areas of the Rivers Wye and Severn have established a partnership in order to deliver greater impact for nature.
How to grow a wildlife- friendly vegetable garden
Learn about companion planting, friendly pest control, organic repellents and how wildlife and growing vegetables can go hand in hand.
Heron House team enjoy a Welsh wildlife safari!
Gwent Wildlife Trust business members Heron House Financial Management go on a Welsh wildlife safari at Pentwyn Farm and Wyeswood Common Nature Reserves, and discover how our sheep and cattle are…
No Mega Solar Power Stations on Precious Gwent Levels SSSIs
Here's an important update from our Conservation Officer Mike Webb on our campaign fight against plans for mega solar power stations on the Gwent Levels SSSIs.
Bigger, better and more joined up spaces for wildlife
In a special blog for our Big Give appeal, our Nature Recovery Manager Rick Mundy talks about about our vision for the Gwent landscape and how, with your help, we're creating more room nature…
How to make a woodland edge garden for wildlife
Few of us can contemplate having a wood in our back gardens, but just a few metres is enough to establish this mini-habitat!
Local Wildlife Site Gems with Viv Geen
Here's the second of our ecological surveyor Viv Geen's blogs
Enter our new Wildlife from Home competition
Get involved in our new photography and video competition and help us showcase Gwent's #wildlifefromhome
The Wildlife Trusts explore legal challenge to Government decision to allow emergency use of neonicotinoid
Today The Wildlife Trusts’ lawyers have contacted the Environment Secretary, George Eustice to question his decision to allow the emergency use of the banned neonicotinoid Thiamethoxam for sugar…
Nextdoor Nature in Gwent
George the Poet shines a light on new community rewilding projects led by Gwent Wildlife Trust and funded by The National Lottery
Call for moratorium on major developments on Gwent Levels
Gwent Wildlife Trust (GWT) have joined with Friends of the Gwent Levels (FOGL), The Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales (CPRW), the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) and the…