Right now, we know of plans for solar power installations covering over 1,200 acres of the Gwent Levels Landscape: (that’s 500 rugby pitches or around a tenth of the whole area). They are on and impacting across our most important wildlife sites, including Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) like Gwent Wildlife Trust’s Magor Marsh Nature Reserve.
Gwent Wildlife Trust oppose all development proposals which would damage nationally protected SSSIs.
We fully recognise that climate change is the biggest threat to biodiversity globally, and that concerted action at all levels and in all policy areas, including renewable energy generation, is needed. But climate change mitigation through renewable energy generation should not come at the expense of biodiversity, (a fact recognised by the Senedd’s declaration of a conjoined Climate and Biodiversity Emergency.)
In short, you can’t destroy the environment to save the environment.