Fourteen people came along for the day. There was a mixture of ages with the youngest being 2 months old.
Together, we collected 25 bags of litter made up of 29.5kg of recycling and 44.5kg of general waste. Plus, a chair, chlorine bucket, washing line, golf club, football flags, football boots, a football, a teddy bear and Gromit, but not Wallace.
The litter pick was part of Stand for Nature Wales, a nationwide project for young people between 9 and 24 years old, involving all Welsh Wildlife Trusts.
It was a bit of a competition between Trusts and we came second overall!
Here is the final result:
1st North Wales - 160.5kg, 2nd Gwent - 74kg, 3rd South and West Wales - 61.2kg, 4th Radnorshire - 35kg, 5th Montgomeryshire - 8kg.