Hepburn Photography
Land Management
Our land management processes are all defined and done to benefit wildlife and biodiversity. Two examples are Conservation Grazing and Hay Meadow Management. Both of these processes are done on a larger scale here at Gwent Wildlife Trust, however, you can get involved too! Whether that be by volunteering with us as a volunteer shepherd, or by creating your very own hay meadow in your garden.
Conservation Grazing
Conservation grazing is an important part of how we manage some of our nature reserves. Learn more about it and how you can get involved!
We couldn’t do the amazing work that we do without our volunteers. Volunteering is a great way of getting involved in taking action for nature. Get in touch if you’d like to know more.
Conservation Grazing (https://youtu.be/wjPHz_tr234)
Gareth Jones
Hay Meadow Management
Some of our reserves are managed on a larger scale to develop beautiful hay meadows rich in species diversity, but anyone with a garden or access to a green space can create an equally advantageous hay meadow. Check out the resources below to find out how: