Great reedmace
Great reedmace is familiar to many of us as the archetypal 'bulrush'. Look for its tall stems, sausage-like, brown flower heads and green, flat leaves at the water's edge in our…
Great reedmace is familiar to many of us as the archetypal 'bulrush'. Look for its tall stems, sausage-like, brown flower heads and green, flat leaves at the water's edge in our…
If you have a garden pond, look out for the Large red damselfly resting at the water's edge. As the name suggests, males are bright red with a black thorax, but females may be almost entirely…
On the edge of the Gwent Levels, you can enjoy the rich variety of trees in the leafy woodland and the fascinating wildflowers and insects of the limestone grassland.
With its oak woodland and grasslands full of fascinating plants and insects, this reserve offers a peace and tranquillity that belies its location on the edge of Pontnewynydd town.
We are seeking new volunteers to join our water quality monitoring program in the River Usk catchment. We are specifically looking to gather data on the following tributaries:
• River…