Storm Petrels in Wales and Beyond
Gwent Wildlife Trust and Gwent Ornithological Society present this talk
Gwent Wildlife Trust and Gwent Ornithological Society present this talk
The blue-tailed damselfly does, indeed, have a blue tail. It is one of our most common species and frequents gardens - try digging a wildlife pond to attract dragonflies and damselflies.
Communities gather to oppose huge solar power stations on the Gwent Levels
Gwent’s breeding Curlews have returned! We know some of their traditional breeding sites but are there more? The answer is almost definitely yes. But where? We’re on a mission to find as many…
The bird cherry can be found in wet woodlands and along streams in upland areas, in particular. Its fragrant blossom appears in April and is followed by bitter, black fruits - good for wildlife,…
The Azure damselfly is a pale blue, small damselfly that is commonly found around most waterbodies from May to September. Try digging a wildlife pond in your garden to attract damselflies and…
Becoming a Volunteer Reserve Warden for Gwent Wildlife Trust
Bottlenose dolphins in British waters are the biggest of their kind – they need to be able to cope with our chilly waters! They are very sociable and will happily swim alongside boats, providing…
A citizen-science survey, led by Kent Wildlife Trust and Buglife, has found that the abundance of flying insects in Gwent has plummeted by 40% over the last 17 years; highlighting a worrying trend…
Why we are saying NO to mega power plans for the Gwent Levels SSSI
Look out for the feathery leaves of Spiked water-milfoil just below the surface of streams, ditches, lakes and ponds; its red flowers emerge from the water in summer. It provides shelter for a…
More amazing wildlife Tales from the Riverbank with UK Wild Otter Trust Ambassador 2020 and Gwent Wildlife Trust supporter and volunteer Jeff 'Otterman' Chard.