The Great Big Nature Survey
Gwent Wildlife Trust would love to hear your opinions on how nature makes you feel, and what you think we as a society should (or shouldn’t) be doing to protect it.
Gwent Wildlife Trust would love to hear your opinions on how nature makes you feel, and what you think we as a society should (or shouldn’t) be doing to protect it.
Spring may have sprung behind closed doors this year but summer brings its own seasonal delights to tempt us outdoors. In this series of blogs, we’d like to introduce you to some of nature’s best…
Environmental charities - Wildlife Trusts Wales and WWF Cymru: A statement in support of the Sustainable Farming Scheme consultation in Wales
George the Poet shines a light on new community rewilding projects led by Gwent Wildlife Trust and funded by The National Lottery
Cardiff University’s National Centre for Mental Health has teamed up with environmentalists, Garden Organic and the Gwent Wildlife Trust to try and understand how to bring NHS workers and their…
Gwent Wildlife Trust 30 Days Wild blogger and Reserve Appeal fundraiser and Ambassador Lucy Holland, details her trip to our flagship Nature Reserve - Magor Marsh.
At the end of 2021, we secured a grant from the Nature Network Fund (NNF), administered by the National Lottery Heritage Fund from the Welsh Government, looking at ensuring resilient ecological…
Gwent Wildlife Trust supporter and Reserves Appeal Ambassador, Hugh Gregory explains how his regular visits to our nature reserve at Magor Marsh have helped improve his health and well-being.