Pollinator Plants (Element #3)
With spring just around the corner, our gardens are waking up from winter, making this the perfect time to plan your next gardening projects.
Blackbird Feeding on Rowan Berries - Margaret Holland
With spring just around the corner, our gardens are waking up from winter, making this the perfect time to plan your next gardening projects.
For me, March is all about pollinator plants—and for good reason! Pollination plays a vital role in ecosystems and directly benefits us too. The more we support pollinators, the more we help nature thrive.
Now is a great time to start planning year-round planting that benefits local wildlife. Consider adding early-flowering plants like snowdrops and bluebells, which provide a crucial nectar source when food is still scarce.
We all have favourite plants, some will be native and some will not. My advice is to at least aim for a balance of native and non-native species—as long as they’re nectar-rich, they’ll support pollinators. And don’t forget to think ahead! Choosing plants that produce seed heads or fruits ensures a natural food source for wildlife throughout autumn and winter. Great examples include Devil's Bit Scabious (pictured) and Rowan trees.
Next month, my element will be #4 Rockpiles!
Andy Karran