Why we marched to Restore Nature Now

Why we marched to Restore Nature Now

Gemma Bodé

We joined thousands of others in London to demand that the next government Restores Nature Now

Saturday the 22nd of June saw staff and members of Gwent Wildlife Trust attend what is thought to be the largest climate and conservation march in global history. It represented a coming together of hundreds of organisations, with up to 100,000 people from all walks of life, united behind the same urgent aims to “Restore Nature Now!”.


Our attendance was important, not just to ‘be there’, but also to use this rare opportunity to connect and galvanize amongst likeminded people and organisations. To use our collective voices to demand a better deal for nature, a prosperous future for wildlife and ambitious policies that reverse the biodiversity crisis.

A protest

Erin McDaid

The ongoing battles against developments on the Gwent Levels resonate perfectly with the aims of the Restore Nature Now march. There are very clearly many of us who understand how urgently we need to protect habitats such as the Gwent Levels. We were all calling to improve protected areas, be that the Gwent Levels SSSI, our oceans, national parks or rainforests – to hear those calls echoing in London’s Parliament Square was truly uplifting!

Banner being held in march

Julia Davies