

Ringlet ©Guy Edwardes/2020VISION


The ringlet gets its name from the small rings on the undersides of its wings. These rings show variation in the different forms of this species, even elongating into a teardrop shape.

Scientific name

Aphantopus hyperantus

When to see

June to August

Species information


Wingspan: 4.2-5.2cm


The ringlet is a medium-sized, sooty-brown butterfly. It is commonly found along woodland rides, edges and hedgerows, and on damp grassland from June to August. The adults prefer bramble and wild privet flowers as nectar sources and can be seen flying with a characteristic bobbing movement even on dull days. The caterpillars feed on a variety of grasses including cock's-foot and false broom.

How to identify

The ringlet is a dark, sooty to chocolate brown butterfly, with a white fringe along its velvety wings. The best way to identify the 'brown' butterflies is by looking at the eyespots on their wings. The ringlet has three eyespots on the underside of the forewings and five eyespots on the underside of the hindwings, although variations in these markings do occur.


Found throughout the country.

Did you know?

The female ringlet lays her eggs by perching on a grass stem and ejecting them into the air so that they land on nearby vegetation. After two to three weeks, the eggs hatch and the caterpillars emerge. The larvae are nocturnal and undergo four moults before pupating.