Pontypool Project

Pontypool CC

What's happening in Pontypool?

Gwent Wildlife Trust has partnered with Pontypool Community Council on a new and exciting project. We will be transforming Pontypool’s green spaces into wildlife havens for all to enjoy. We are also starting a wildlife youth group and there will be opportunities to volunteer with us.

What's On

Public Consultation

The Enterprise Hub, Pontypool Indoor Market

Thursday 27th February 10:00 to 12:00

If you can't attend the public consultation, please compete the opinion survey below

This public opinion survey is an opportunity to provide your thoughts on how GWT and PCC can work together with the people of Pontypool to create wildlife friendly green spaces to be enjoyed by all. Please note: This project will be based around community engagement in green spaces and is not about the general maintenance of Pontypool such as roads, parks and litter etc.

When visiting a green space, what is important to you? All may be important but please select your top 3
There should be habitat and food for bees, butterflies, moths and beetles
A variety of wildflowers that provide a visual impact and nectar for pollinators
Native trees that provide shelter, habitat and contribute to reducing the impact of climate change
Space for larger animals such as birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians
The physical and mental benefits that being in nature can have
How nature can combat things like climate change, flooding and food shortages
What areas of The Pontypool Project most interest you?
Being part of the Youth Group
Volunteering to help with the creation of the wild areas
The nature walks, events and activities
Have you ever visited any of these nature reserves/parks?
Would you like your email address to be added to The Pontypool Project mailing list to hear about news, events and progress?