Matthew Roberts
Accredited Land Management Training
Gwent Wildlife Trust are delivering Nptc (City and Guilds) accredited training in Brushcutter and Trimmer courses.
This is a nationally recognised qualification that is excepted as the standard for anyone using machinery in a professional capacity. We are working as an out centre for MWMAC which is a leading Welsh Training and Assessment specialist for the Land-Based Industries. All our courses are delivered with a strong wildlife and conservation element alongside the mandatory elements of the training.
If you are interested in booking a training course please contact us about prices and availability on either:
- 01600 740600 Seddon House, Monmouth
- 01495 307525 Environmental Resource Centre, Ebbw Vale
The training is 2 days for Novice users and 1 day for people with experience.
Accredited Teacher Training
Natalie Waller and Kathy Barclay work for Gwent Wildlife Trust and are associate trainers to Cambium Sustainable. Between them they have 23 years of outdoor learning experience and are both Level 4 Agored Cymru accredited Forest School Trainers.
The Cambium Network has trainers in many parts of the UK. We cooperate in Continuing Professional Development, standardisation of assessment and feedback, submission of work for accreditation to Agored Cymru (Formerly OCN Wales) awarding body and internal and external quality assurance.
Trainers meet regularly to discuss the latest developments, and to exchange ideas, skills and techniques and to play for the future. Most members of the Cambium Network provide services direct to schools and other bodies wishing to engage with the expanding use of Forest School, Outdoor Learning and Coastal School techniques in early years, primary and secondary education.